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Nebraska Mosquito and Vector Control Association


Article I. Name and Objectives

Section 1

This Association shall be known as the Nebraska Mosquito and Vector Control Association.

Section 2

This Association shall be a non-profit, educational organization.

Section 3

Its objectives shall be:

(1) To promote the efficiency of mosquito abatement, vector control and related activities, through the encouragement of research, development of procedure, and the interchange of information.

(2) To circulate among its members and other interested parties, pertinent knowledge relative to mosquito abatement and related subjects.

(3) To encourage field trips and meeting of the members.

Article II: Membership

Section 1

Membership in the Association shall consist of those persons engaged or interested in mosquito abatement, vector control and related work.

Section 2

The following classes of membership shall be recognized:

(1) Regular, one who is affiliated with or interested in mosquito abatement, vector control and related work.

(2) Regular members are dues-paying members (see Article III of By-Laws)

Article III: Officers

Section 1

The officers of this Association shall consist of:

(a) A President, a 1st Vice-President, and a 2nd Vice-President, who shall be elected annually.

(b) A Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected for terms of two years.

(c) The immediate Past President.

(d) Three other members who shall serve on the Executive Board.

1 for 1 year,

1 for 2 years,

1 for 3 years

After first election there will be only one elected each year for a term of three (3) years, replacing the 1-year member, whose term expires.

(e) The Nebraska Department of Health Entomologist shall be a standing member of the Executive Board.

Section 2

All officers shall be elected by hand or voice vote and installed at the Annual Meeting.

Section 3

All officers shall continue to hold office until their successors have been duly elected and installed.

Section 4

No President shall succeed himself.

Article IV:  Meetings - Quorum - Voting

Section 1

There shall be one Annual Meeting, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Board.  There shall also be such other meetings as may be designated by the Executive Board.

Section 2

A Quorum shall consist of ten (10) voting members, three (3) of whom shall be officers.

Section 3

Voting and holding of office shall be restricted to Regular members.

Article V: Executive Board

Section 1

The Executive Board shall consist of all the elected officers, the immediate Past President, and the Nebraska Department of Health Entomologist, and five (5) shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of this Board.

Article VI: Funds

Section 1

The funds of the Association shall be collected, entered, disbursed, and accounted for by the Treasurer, as prescribed by the By-laws.

Article VII: Publications

Section 1

A Publications Committee consisting of the Secretary and two (2) other members shall be appointed annually.

Article VIII:  Amendments

Section 1

Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Secretary at the Annual Meeting who shall refer to the President for a vote by the members

Section 2

A two-thirds affirmative vote shall be required for adoption.

Article IX:  Committees

Section 1

Committees of the Association shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered by the Association.  The terms of all committees shall expire at the end of the next Annual Meeting, unless otherwise specified by the vote of the Association.

Section 2

There shall be the following standing Committees, consisting of at least three (3) members:

(1) Membership

(2) Legislative

(3) Publications

(4) Finance



Article I: Principal Office

Section 1

The principal office of the Association shall be, any place that the Executive Board may designate.

Article II: Policy

Section 1

(a) The policy of the Association is to cooperate in mosquito abatement, vector control, and related operations with that of public agencies conducting related work.

(b) To disseminate among its members and other interested parties, information on the latest and most effective abatement measures compatible with the protection of environmental quality.

Article III:  Membership and Dues

Section 1

Anyone concerned with or interested in mosquito abatement, vector control, and related work may be elected to membership in the Association.

(a) Regular Members shall be eligible to vote and hold office and they shall pay an annual fee of $15.00.

Section 2

The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31, and dues are payable on the 1st of January.  On the 1st of June, any unpaid dues shall be declared in arrears, and delinquent members shall be declared not in good standing until such arrearage are paid.

New members paying dues prior to October 1st shall be counted members for the current year.

Section 3

A member in good standing may resign from membership by submitting a written resignation to the Secretary, and a member who does not resign and whose dues remain unpaid for one fiscal year shall be dropped from membership.

Article IV:  Powers and Duties of Officers

Section 1

The Executive Board or general administration officers of the Association are directly responsible to the membership and shall consist of the President, who shall serve as Chairman of the Board; the 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate Past President and three (3) other members who have been elected to the Board.

Section 2

The 1st Vice President shall assist the President in work delegated to him, and he shall perform the duties of the President whenever the latter is absent.

Section 3

The 1st Vice-President shall be responsible for the functioning of the following committees:  Membership and Legislative, and he shall make periodical reports of their activities and progress to the President.

Section 4

The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for the functioning of the following committees:  Publications and Finance, and he shall make periodical reports of their activities and progress to the President.

Section 5

The President shall be directly responsible for the functioning of the Nominating Committee and such Ad Hoc Committees as may be necessary.

Section 6

The 1st Vice-President when acting as President may delegate some of his duties to another member.

Section 7

The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association.  He or the President shall make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall prepare the Annual Financial Statement for the fiscal year, and shall act as Chairman of the Finance Committee, which shall prepare budget estimate for the next fiscal year.

Section 8

The secretary shall:

(a) send notices for Annual and Special meetings;

(b) record all proceedings at meetings of the Association.

Section 9

The three (3) elected members to the Executive Board, the immediate Past President, and the Nebraska Department of Health Entomologist are expected to attend all meetings and assist the officers in making all decisions and formulation of policy for the good of the Association.

Article V:  Nomination of Officers

Section 1

Nominations for all offices shall be taken from the floor by the President in the following order:

1. 3-year term - Executive Board

2. Secretary (every second year)

3. Treasurer

4. 2nd Vice-President

5. 1st Vice-President

6. President

Following the election of the new President, he shall preside and adjourn the meeting.

Article VI:  Election of Officers

Section 1

Elections shall be held annually at the Annual Meeting and only regular members in good standing shall be eligible to vote.

Section 2

All elective officers shall be chosen by a majority of votes cast

Section 3

Vacancies occurring in office between annual meetings shall be filled by the Executive Board, except that a vacancy in the office of President shall automatically be filled by the 1st Vice-President.  Notification of the vacancy shall be made to the Board in writing.

Article VII:  Appointment of Committees

Section 1

Standing Committees will be appointed by the President.

(a) The Chairman of all standing committees shall be appointed by the President.

(b) The Chairman of all standing committees shall submit reports of the activities of his committee directly to the Vice-President responsible for said committee.

(c) A quorum for all standing committees shall be a majority of the committee as constituted.

Article VIII:  Parliamentary Authority

Section 1

The rules outlined in Robert's "Parliamentary Law" and Robert's "Rules of Order, Revised" shall govern the Association procedure in instances where they are applicable.

Article IX:  Resolutions

Section 1

Resolutions shall be submitted, by members in good standing, to the Secretary, who will refer them to the Committee on Resolutions, and a majority vote of the members present and voting shall be required for adoption.

Article X:  Amendments

Section 1

These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Meeting of the Association, provided all proposals for amendments are submitted to the Secretary for referral to the President, and a two-thirds affirmative shall be required for passage by those members present.

Article XI:  Conduct of Executive Board

Section 1

(a) In the transaction of Execuive Board business by mail, all communications shall be addressed to the Chairman of the Executive Board.

(b) Every written motion addressed by an Executive Board member to the Chairman, shall be duplicated and a copy furnished to each member of the Executive Board.

(c) Any Executive Board member desiring to second, to dissent from, to comment upon, or move an amendment to, or to move a substitute for the original motion, shall do so in written communication addressed to the Chairman, of which copy shall be sent to each member of the Executive Board.

(d) If a written motion is seconded by every other member of the Executive Board, the Chairman without further action may declare the motion carried unanimously, and so notify the members of the Executive Board by mail.

(e) If one or more seconds to a written motion is received by the Chairman, but unanimous consent is not indicated, the motion remains open for discussion until there is  a call for the question.

(f) A meeting of the Executive Board may be called by the President or upon the request of three (3) or more members of the Board.  At any time that the President, in his opinion, feels that an emergency exists, he may call the Board to meet by telephone.

Article XII:  Grants

Section 1

The Executive Board may authorize grants which may be approved under the following guidelines:

(a) Grants shall be awarded to help with expenses (1) to meetings dealing with mosquitoes, biting flies, other insects affecting man, and rodents of public health importance,  (2) to help pay page charges and/or reprints, (3) for research projects on Nebraska mosquitoes, biting flies, or rodents.

(b) To apply for a grant a person must be a member for at least two years.  Exceptions may be made by the Board of Directors.

(c) All applications must be in writing and sent to the Secretary.

(d) Grant applications will be reviewed and approved by the Officers and Board of Directors.

(e) The maximum amount of a grant shall be $250.  No more that $500 in grants shall be awarded in any given year.

(f) A person receiving a grant must submit a written report to the Secretary of how the grant was used.

​© 2013 by the Nebraska Mosquito and Vector Control Association

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